Sunday 28 January 2024

Sunday Funday! Everyday

              Polly looking so Polly! ❤️

We always have a loose knit plan, sometimes it changes, sometimes we change it, and sometimes it's changed and we adapt. This Sunday we will go to the grocery store, early, buy what we need for the week, our truck is still in the shop, tomorrow I'm thinking I'll go there and find out what's going on? I got a call from them last Tuesday asking about what had been done to the transmission. I left all the bills with them, and he had them, so he knew what had been done. We talked for a long time, 15min, still all I got was we need 3 hours for testing. Will call back when we have the problem diagnosed,  with what needs to be done, and what it will cost. 

I called Thursday, the secretary says, "he hasn't got back to it yet". Been over a week now,  still no info yet. I wake this morning thinking about this, one thing that bothers me is no information about what's going on. I understand they're busy, but wow. I have never delt with this kind of outfit before. Usually if you get a loaner car the garage wants it back quickly, and does the work right away. Not here, they seem to have a much different way of operating. We have had the loaner for over a week now. 

Patience, not my strong suit, but I'm working on it, as I laugh to myself now, well at least we have a loaner. 

We played in a cribbage tournament yesterday, was a little stressful, but after the talking and shuffling and loud sounds finished we came out 3rd place, and $80 ahead. Was a fun time, and we played really good, only lost one game by 13 points, out of 6 we played. People only got quiet for the prize announcements.

 While playing the noise level was up, as everyone was talking getting to know each other. You see every game, a different couple was your competition, so always, "HI my name is, and where are you from? Where are you staying? I know this person from where you're from, do you know this person." Always trying for connection, as we talk and play the game. 

It's not exactly the same each time, but somewhat, and always something to learn. A couple from New Mexico told me of friend's of their's are from Vancouver Island, Crofton, so during a break I had to go over and say Hi, and get to know them a bit, I'm sure we would have much to talk about, as we did with the people from New Mexico. 

We played two guys from Saskatchewan twice, as we lost a game, and they joined us again. I only remember one couples names. Dixie was her name, the most different name I had heard that day, her husband Bill called her Dix, that's what got me looking at her name tag. We had a really good conversation with them, the are a little younger, and not completely retired yet, farmers from Wyoming, and had their son and brother in law holding the business down as they spent the winter here. 

Interesting how much you learn about people as you played the games, your automatically in each other's face, so talk comes very easy, at least it does to me. We immediately have much in common,  retired, at the same park, or across from each other, from different places, that gets really interesting, so much to yak about when we learn where people are from, immediately we try to figure where that is in relation to a place close that we have been to, or a place we know. 

Funny how we do this each time, but just a little different, always searching for connection. 

We had a really nice potluck dinner after,  so much food, really good food. We sat with another couple that we play poker with, Charlie & Carmen, we know them from poker, but not real good. Our talk over lunch/dinner was good, got to know each other a little better. We talked about spiders and snakes,🕷🐍 and our fears, always fun subjects. Oh, and of course our grandchildren. They are from New York, not the city, but the state. Was really nice to get to know them better. We have an invite to play some card games with them and others tonight, at 6:30. Be fun I'm sure.

Just starting to get light out now,  was an early getup this morning, even though we didn't get to bed till late. I thought we might join a group at karaoke 🎤 last night, but the big dinner put me to sleep once I got home, I ate really big. 😋  so a movie later, and done we were. 

We do enjoy the TV,  and the time we just sit beside each other, not doing much, just taking it easy. 

Lol I hear Polly now moving about,  7:11 and Sunday now begins. I think I'll take an early walk about,  see the sun come up this morning from a different place.  

Choices, we all have them. Polly went back to bed, still too dark for her lol. 

Love ❤️ our life.

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