Sunday 21 April 2024

First rooster 🐓 crow this morning 5:03am he's waking earlier today.

What a great weekend this one was, and it's only Sunday! Friday was a bit of shopping, then some sink install I wasn't looking forward to. It worked out, but always so many things to think of when doing something like this. All I can say is good Polly's not too picky, as it's in, it's level, and it doesn't leak. Oh and it's much bigger than the old sink. 

Such a difference between porcelain and plastic, always plastic when conserving weight. I'll finish off with some white caulking this week, it'll look a little better. Done, that's how I like it. 

Moving on to Friday night, off to Steve & Ginny's for a bit of a pre dance get together was nice, I didn't take photos, but his cougar is looking really nice, maybe start the new engine today he said. Guy's in the garage, girls in the house, was a nice way to start the evening. 

Dance was so fun, overwhelming I'd say, bringing back so many memories as we lined up on the walkway and then the stairs to get into the Italian hall. Wendy said, I remember when there would be coat check girls here as we'd come in, always a classy place for any event. 

Then as we get our bands on our wrists, more people we haven't seen for so long, the place was full already, WOW 😮 I found myself shaking my head most of the night, just unreal is how it felt.

We got a table, we had two, beside each other. Our group got split up, but we still taking between tables, and the other table next to up too. What a freaking night. Polly and I when we got up for a dance to a Beatles song we really had a good dance, then one more, and as we danced I said "I'm looking around at all the people, people I hadn't seen for so long, so many we know." Polly agrees, she's doing same! 

Coming home is great, and this dance was all I'd expected, even more. 

Getting the tickets was easy, Rhonda picked up the tickets for us in town when we were still south, when she posted the dance, right away I wanted to go, and getting 12 tickets, I knew who I'd like to come. The people that have supported us as we went through this last year and a half. Good friend's of Christopher's, who've become good friends of ours. And friends we just really enjoy, that I talk with most every day, message mostly, but sometimes a video chat. 

Some of these friends didn't know each other, this was part of my plan, get them together, so they knew each other. This did work, and now when we mention others they all know who we're talking about. 

The dance floor was packed from first dance till when we left, 11pm, as we had a ride with Chris & Al, didn't wanna wait for a cab. Yes we drank some beer 🍺🍺, not too much, no headache. Can's were piled, competition between tables was on. Sylvie was the winner 🏆 I'm sure, as she got right up on the chair for the top can, ✔️ and it was done, tallest beer can building here. 

        Beer can castle was built 

This dance was a great way to return to the valley, so many faces, so much fun, and really good music 🎶🎵🎸

Getting home we didn't last long, bed was good night 😴 

Yesterday breakfast with a friend, he gave me a ride to pickup our truck. We were in Big Brother's together for years, worked at the same logging camp, was a good breakfast, Rod and I had lots of driving talk to do, he in his logging truck, me with our truck pulling our trailer. Similar problems in town and in the highway. Was a good breaky, and a good way to start my day. 

Picked up a few groceries, Polly ordered steak from buy low, so I got them, and a few other things. Home, drop off, then to a funeral service for a friend I'd known since I was really young, in highschool. She was a different bird I'd call her, yet a really nice person. She was really brave I always thought, Faith was her name. We had spent much time together over the years, was a good funeral for her, so many people came out. She woulda been happy to see them all. 

The service was at the old Kinhut, we all crowed in, her son did most the talking, he did a good job. It was very informal, and really good, many spoke of her, people shared stories, was a really good way to do it. I saw her sister, I'd known for years too, and friends that I hadn't seen for years, hugs were plenty. I'm glad I went.

Home I went, not without a little drive about town, remembering so many places I'd been, so much history in this little town. My home town, our home town. Polly didn't come with me today, she really didn't know Faith. 

Then yesterday afternoon was a quick wind storm, and power went out as Polly was getting ready for dinner with friends, well good we had some water in our water tank, as the pump for the campsite was electric, so no water. Got to love being self contained in our trailer. 6pm, just before dinner we got power back, but that never bothered us, Americo & Claudette came and we drank and yaked not even knowing that there was no power. 

We had a really good dinner, 

         Steaks before I burned them 😂

Claudette said "We always have a good time with you guys!" It's true, we are really good friends, and always have fun together. Nice to have friends like this. ❤️

We shared dinner, beer, wine, and even a bottle of some kinda champagne, as the wind blew, and the rain came, and the sun even shined on and off. Watching the humming bird's flying around our feeder, so many birds came as the day was ending. We found lots to talk about before dinner, during, and after.

Got comfortable and watched a movie with them before they left, was a really good night, with really good friends. Oh, and Polly made dessert, Apple pie cheesecake 😀 

Sunday now, no plans yet. Wonder what today will bring? No rain now, a walk is in order, as I missed last couple days. I'll go early before the car's start. 

Sure do love this life ❤️

Coffee ☕ is cold now, still good though.

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