Sunday 26 November 2023

Does it matter if we know where we are from?

Pollys very happy with the lights she created 

A friend we met a few years ago posted of a time him and his wife celebrated her birthday in a Lowcountry, Gulla area of South Carolina where research was done that connects the people there to their African roots, to where their family originated. The documentary "The language you cry in" is on YouTube,  it tells the story of how this was discovered, and what it means to to the people now. 

I wonder if this is important to us as we move forward in life? Do we need to know our roots, our history to make it in life? In the video the people are connected by a song that was taught to them by the older generation,  handed down. Was interesting to watch, but do we need to know our roots?

I know some of my family history, some of our towns history,  some of our countries history,  and some if where my roots were from. The history of our society is written,  but actual history of my family,  I do not know.  The question I wonder is do I need this information? I think not. 🤔  moving forward in life takes much knowledge, and training from you parents, & other family members,  also friends and their families,  and all they have been taught that helps you form into the person you are, along with all the lessons you learn as you travel through your life. 

I believe the part that is most important is your decisions as you grow, the person you become has most to do with the "being" you decide to become comes from your experiences and your decisions that you choose as you grow. 

I always have questioned how in a family we all develop different, some similarities, but we all become our own person. 

The choices we make as we travel through this life is what determines our person, not the outside parts. Sure the place geography makes a big difference in what our view of choices are, education also makes a huge difference, as we learn we choose what we believe, what we let into our brain as truth is most important.  

"Garbage in - garbage out!"  I've heard this many times.  As I write my thoughts grow clearer, and more certain. 

We are now, here in our society able to access so much information at the tap of a phones face that it's almost unbelievable, and some of what's available is truly not information,  it's disinformation. This is where the person comes into play, you have to choose what to believe, and what to discard. How you make these choices is developed when you're very young, they are the very beginning of the you that you developed from your choices as you developed as a person.  

Do I need, or is it beneficial, will it change my course, to know that I have Irish, or French, or English, or whatever in my blood, my past where I'm from? I don't think so, and that's my choice, another choice that makes me, me. 

I went to a Browning reunion once, a family member in Armstrong, BC Jessie I think was his name brought us all together for this. I can't remember all the people that attended,  but I do know Paulette & my sister Joy came, and we met many Browning people, all somehow related. It was a nice gathering, I don't think it changed me, we never had another reunion. Jesse made a statement, it's up to you now to have another, and nobody jumped up to volunteer. 

When Polly and I got together, her family ties are quite strong, so we my children and I became a part of her family. Pollys extended family not all as strong, but still some very strong connection. I enjoyed this time getting to know others, also the fun stories from past.

Family connections are up to you, not all family gets together. Polly and I have visited some of her extended family, some are very good friends. We have also visited some of my extended family, but not as much. 

I think we need to be connected to each other, know our family, and have support of family is really important, also support from friendships, all is important, the final decision in any person though is up to the person.

Make your own bed and lay in it! Is a saying that often is said when people have made a poor decision, like you get what u deserve.

Yet, I made my own bed, and I have to lie in it is good if you're making good decisions. 

This saying we have all heard, I believe we make our decision very young, from there we decide the person we'll be. My life is up to me, and I believe yours is up to you. 

Can we change midway ? Of course we can change somethings but the person we decide to be young, the basic beliefs are "in my opinion" cemented into our being. 

As Popeye said many times as I watched him "I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam" 

I'm OK with the me I Yam, I'm happy with my life, can't beat that. 

Polly and I went to the Kareoke here last night, we were invited by Duane , a friend from poker. We weren't all excited about it, but said we'd go. We were both pleasantly surprised, was some really good singers, we had a fun time there, Polly really enjoyed it. As we walked home we talked about the night saying how much fun it was. 

Life goes on, I love our life ❤️🤗

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