Friday 10 November 2023

Remembrance day or Vetrans day tomorrow

I have no fancy words for this day, as mostly I just remember this day as a solom day remembering the men and women that gave it all for what we have today. I started to watch a movie yesterday called "Oppenheimer", I had never really thought of how or who made this bomb, but I had seen the movie and read the  book "Hiroshima" years ago. I can still see some of the image's in my mind of what happened afterwards, how people died, and or were disfigured. 

I would think nobody likes war, but going  forward I see we still haven't learned. On this day I know I'm fortunate to have never had to go to war myself. 

On this day I take the time to attend services to remember & honor those who fought for our freedoms we all enjoy now. 

For some it's a day off with pay, a long weekend. Being retired now everyday is a day off, but I do remember when, in our logging camp we worked on this day. Then one day the men and women in our union insisted as a group to have the day off not as just another long weekend, but to have the 11th day of the 11th month off so we could reflect, and attend services at the 11th hour.

I was glad when that change came, as before we often would just take a couple minutes at 11oclock as we worked to remember,  and take a long weekend.  

As I write this I'm not sure where I'll go yet, I haven't asked around here yet, but I'm sure I'll find a legion. I looked it up just now, the American Legion Post 19 on Virginia Drive and 26th Street where there will be an 11th-hour remembrance ceremony. There is a parade with this legion at the end. This it where I'll go this year for veterans day here in yuma, Arizona, USA.  

I can remember when I was younger bringing my children to the service's that were held in our home town of Port Alberni at ADSS auditorium,  as mostly it rained on this day so better inside. 

I just went to get my second cup of coffee,  and remembered that today is the anniversary of my son's death. When I started this I didn't think of this. Boy that kinda took the wind outta my sails! I feel like swearing here, but I'll keep it clean. 

Chris lived a good life, his end wasn't what anyone of us desired, but here we are. So today with no fanfare I'll remember him, as I do most everyday, and tomorrow I'll take the time to remember our vets and those that are not with us. 

Today I'll go about my life, doing as I had planned,  volunteering as a monitor at the woodworking shop here, and learning just a little more about the shop, and the other's that I'll meet there. Then later we will go to the poker game at Fortuno de Oro next to our rv park and play the game Polly and I both really like, with so many others that also love the game. 

In the evening we have signed up for the dinner and a movie at our park, Sundance. Will be a first for us this year, and many more to come. 

And that's how life goes, you just live on past the memories, "lest we forget" is something I remember at this time of the year now has a double meaning for me. 

Some memories you want to put away and not look at or think of them, but I believe it's good to have a look at leat once a year at what's past, the memories that are hard, will fade I'm sure, but still is good to remember. 

I now go on with the memories of our grandson and all he will do and be, that's the future. I saw Colton the other day, I was busy playing poker and Polly was talking with him and Ciara, even for a short time, we visit on the phone now, but he remembers us. He calls us Memere and Pepere, Polly really liked that he said her name so good. 

Yep that's the future,  Remember the past, Live in the present, & Plan for the future.  

That's life, I love ❤️ our life ❤️ 

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