Monday 16 January 2023

2023 will we get a criminal case against the guy who drove his car into Chris this year?

It's been 3 months now since Chris Browning 
Our Son, Fiancee, Brother, Uncle, Cousin, & Friend to many was hit by a man, a young offender of 17 years old, on 76thst, by the Circle K store in Grande Prairie, Alberta 

No charges have been laid by the RCMP, on the Crown Prosecutors recommendations that no charge will stand up in court. We are told by the police there is no charge that they can proceed with, unless the witness that was in the criminals car has a change of heart and comes forward with what really happened in the car as the driver approached Chris. 

Can you believe this, with all the law's in our country, Canada, that there is nothing to charge a person with that drove into someone, and drove away, not helping at all? The whole event is on video, dash cam Ciara provided the police with, yet no charges. 

I think we all have a sense of what right and wrong, but what's legal or not? That is now a cloudy, foggy question, that lawyer's manipulate and massage until it fits the criminal justice system to get criminals off. 

In this case, when a man young or older, drives towards another, slows his car, then speeds it up, the runs right into the person, and drives with him on his hood until he gains speed, steps on the brakes throwing the person off the hood and onto the sidewalk or pavement then drives away. Is this legal? 

Asking the Grande Prairie's Crown Prosecutor, he agrees, it's a crime, there has been a crime committed here he said to us, as we gathered around the table in the crown council's floor of offices, but in his opinion in this "file" the criminal can't be prosecuted successfully. 


That's most people's response when told of this criminal act! Most people as I said before have a sense of Justice, Right & Wrong. In this case the Crown is saying that it is impossible to win this case, as a previous case was fought and lost in the court's of our country, and the wording this is based on is "momentary laps in judgement" or "monetary laps in attention" from a case that was decided in 02-22-2008 R. v. Beatty in Supreme Court.

I just read, and Read, and read some more about the case's that have been turned over because of this wording, and some that have been won even with these words used by defence council. I have come to the decision I need help. I can't do this on my own, I need someone, actually many someone's to help figure this out, and decide what to do, where to go to get the legal system to charge this man with the crime he committed, take the case to Court & convince the judge that this was a crime, & that the man needs to be jailed, not walking the streets free after consciously driving into another human being killing him. 

I feel able to read this information as I started earlier this morning, I am searching for information that clears up in my mind why this decision is being made, why the crown prosecutor, Lawyer says to us there is no chance to win this. I believe he is wrong, but I have no way of pushing him to take this case forward. 

I believe this is a Catch 22, the police won't charge him because the crown prosecutor says it won't fly in court, and the crown prosecutor says he doesn't have any control over charges, that's up to the police! My head is full now, Polly is up now, I'm going to go back to bed I'm sure this morning. 

That was two days ago, I slept better the last two nights, still waking to thoughts of Chris and what happened, and what can I do? I feel compelled to do something, I just can't seem to leave this alone, there has to be a way to see this through, to get charges laid, and see this through the court's. 

I question if I want the man that told us he believes there is no way to charge this criminal to charge him, and take the case. Talking someone into representing Chris for us would be a mistake I believe. Another something to think about, yes this is mind boggling. 

I do need help figuring this out, what do do? who to go to? What next? Whatever it is I what to make sure I don't screw up the civil suit Ciara has going now, that's for sure. 

So I wait, I wait till I get some more information, something I have a hard time with. It's like idling, my mind keeps thinking of how to move forward, yet I know not to do anything to disrupt the civil suit. 

Hands tied here thinking, and no forward motion. I guess I'll keep reading, trying to understand this far reaching wording that to me doesn't apply here, "Momentary laps in judgement" just doesn't apply if a person pushes down on the throttle as he aproches a person he sees on the road in front of him, with his hands up asking him to stop, the driver slows, then speed's up running into the person, and then increases speed, stepping on the brakes after 1/2 a block throwing the person onto the ground, sidewalk & pavement causing catastrophic brain injury. Then drives away. No helping the person he hit, no stopping at the scene.

The police are quick to tell us he came back, after the police got there. Defending the perpetrator I think.

Death came a month later in hospital as Ciara, Paulette & I watched. 

I think as I wake, and as I go to sleep, does this criminal know how many lives he changed in the moment he decided to run into Chris? Does he care? I think likely he doesn't, but have no way of knowing. No information given to us by the RCMP about this man, his witness, or much of this.

So for now I'm on hold, I have an appointment to talk with Ciara's lawyer for the civil suit about the next steps moving forward. Maybe I'm just spinning my wheels, but I'm going to continue, until I find a way forward. Moving forward is my only way now, I just can't believe that this criminal act will be burried as the lawyer and RCMP seem to want. 

We are going to the beach today, and have been enjoying ourselves here in Florida since before Christmas, but I never forget, and never give up on the idea something can and will be done to charge this person with the crime he committed, and see him go to jail. 

It's January 11th. today another 2 day's and is 3 months since this traumatic event. 

January 13th, Chris's favorite number. 💔

It's now January 16th, I didn't know if I would post this on my blog, but here goes, nothing has changed, accept I'm able to sleep better right now, seems like the 3months since Chris's tramatic, catastrophic injury happened was bothering me. I'm still kida lost in this, I posted on Grande Prairie Alberta site, and had it removed after it started to take off, was just too hot to handle im thinking. 

When people hear about this they don't understand? What, no charge? How can that be?

I'm going to keep reminding people that justice here in Grande Prairie Alberta, has not been served, until somewhere somehow someone listens that can push this forward. I'm not sure how right now, but I'm not giving up, there has to be a way to push here that get this case to the courts. 

My thoughts, these are mine, just think of all the others effected by this and their thoughts! Is quiet a big deal, anger, hurt, understanding, reasoning, Questions, many, and much more. 

Another day goes by, tomorrow Ciara and I talk with her lawyer, try to understand the path forward there. Ciara is doing what she needs to do to move forward now, getting stuff in order. Chris had no will. Chase is going back to school, Colton not a day goes by he doesn't learn something new. Polly and I talk daily with them, is always interesting, and fun. 

Our lives move on, Polly and I continue to travel, we move this week to another campground, Crooked Hook. in the middle of south Florida, by lake Okeechobee be a nice change. Life does go on.

The case of Chris Browning is not going away, I'm going to make sure of that. 💔

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