Monday 18 September 2023

I saw this Note to Self and thought 🤔

Although this ends with "No need to look any further" I have a different thought about what my purpose in life is. I always believed my purpose was to take steps to be self sufficient, no drag on others, provided for myself and my family as I was starting out. After this is taken care of, I've raised my family, then I can choose what else I want to do in life. 

Polly and I do that in our travels now, no apologies to others for our choices, we can and do much with what's left of our lives, as we believe it's our last harah! 

Life's not about pleasing others, although we can if we choose. Life's more about pleasing yourself. If the choice is to take a friend to dinner, or take a drive, or travel a distance, if we can afford it, and we want to, we do it. 

I remember a friend telling me to examine the word "Responsibility" it's the Ability to Respond, I've thought of that many times since, and as we go through life that sums up much. Our minds ability to respond to what comes our way, also to make plans for our future. 

I'm lucky I do believe, there is a saying "Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity" 

When Polly and I made the decision to travel as we have we had a plan, maybe a little rag-tag, but a plan. Our plan changes as we go, as we think of or develop thoughts of what, where and who we want to enjoy as we travel. We do like to get in the truck and drive, trailer on and highway ahead of us. 

Giving as we travel is natural to us, we have much love and sharing that with others is part of who we are. Our purpose is not in question, or thought of often, as we have fulfilled our purpose, we went forth and multiplied, we raised our children best we could, we have grandchildren now that we enjoy as we continue our lives. We communicate with them as often as we can, we love them unconditionally. 

We still move on, another town, another country, another group of friends, we move forward enjoying the moment as much as we can. At the same time we use our pension and savings to carry us through to the end of life! 

How's that sound for purpose? Do what you Love, and don't be a drag on society! How's that for a purpose? Simplicity is as simple as that. 

Some have a list of what you should do! I like a list of what I don't have to do to follow.

I don't have to watch the News
I don't have to go to bed early 😄 but I choose to, well my body does.
I don't have to sleep late, I'd like to but I don't.
I don't, gee I like the other way!

I like to walk around
I like to talk with people
I like to hug my wife 🤗
I like to hug my children 🤗
I love to hug my grandchildren 🤗 that's better
I love to write here and now 😊
I love to build something that is beautiful ❤️
I love to have a drink and a chinwag with a friend ♥️
I love to watch a soppy movie with Polly❤️
I love talking with Polly, unless she says "I was thinking 🤔" then I know this can go many ways 😆❤️
I love seeing things work out ❤️
I love helping someone figure something out ❤️
I love every moment in life so much 💖

Have I fulfilled my purpose? 
Does it matter to others?
Just do what moves you and the rest is ok! 

Deep hey! 

Another saying I like is "Today is the first day of the rest of your life!" And today I'm writing, early in the morning, as I drink my second coffee ☕☕ and think of my purpose. 

Today I'll talk with Polly in the morning, plan our day. Listen to her plan, as sometimes it's different than mine, after we are on the same page I or we will drive over and and visit with Ciara our daughter-in-law and Colton. Then my focus will be to get the second level of a castle up, and hopefully get some more help from my grandson 😊.  How's that for purpose! 

Dinner with our friends Jack and Wendy will be arranged, I'm lucky I don't usually have to think too much about that, Polly and Wendy have that plan. Is it their purpose? They are both much more than dinner makers! ❤️ 

Such is Life, just don't be a drag on society! Take care of yourself, plan ahead, live for today, Life is ❤️

Love our life ❤️🤗

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