Thursday 21 September 2023

Looking at the clock, 6:30am. now what?

Starting to sleep a little later now, taking some malintonin helps, and staying up till at least 10pm helps too, along with limiting the nap in the afternoon, which sometimes I just have to take. Funny thinking back, I always enjoyed a nap as I was most often working long hours and physically hard work, so a nap became my recharge during the day when I could. 

After dinner often, on weekend afternoons a nap was always good, and recharge was needed. Now as I get where I need less sleep, I see a nap as detrimental, even if I really like the recharge, it makes me sleep less during the night, so up early and with the daylight coming later all the time, I'm going to have to change my ways to make life work better for me. 

Food intake also a problem, I've been used to eating heavy dinner all my life, now I'm thinking I'll have to eat less at dinner to make it so I don't get tired so early. I know that's a battle with me, I love my big scrumptious dinner, with desert! Mmm 😋. I'm thinking can I change this?  I hope so, I've been trying to eat less after dinner now, but is really hard to do as I sit down to watch a movie or some kinda TV after dinner, a snack always my go to, so paying attention to what I do will be a new job for me, rather than autopilot eating after dinner. 

Just starting to get light out now, was a cool night, be a sunny day though. Castle playhouse is in my sights now, soon be all buttoned up, ready for Colton, watching him play will be my reward. That makes me smile now, he's so full of energy and watching him brings me so many emotions, happy, loving, sad, I smile alot watching him, and when he and I play, it's so fun. Brings back memories, and creates new ones. 

Was Chases birthday yesterday, 13 years old now, Polly & I went over to Ciaras had a visit, gave him a present, a hug, we gave him a hand made leather journal, Chase said he liked it, we hope he uses it, is a good time for him to write his thoughts. All he wants for his birthday is to go ride his motorcycle. We got the info on where the motorcycle pit was. This weekend we are going to go there and watch him ride for awhile, close to where we took Colton last weekend for a little rock throwing in the river. Magoos landing is the boat launch and parking lot by the bridge that crosses the Wapiti river. 

I'm learning a few of these places that people go here for different sports, Magoos is where many boaters go to launch, and travel up and down the river. Jet boats are a big thing here, very fast, and loud, not everyone loves them. I can see them being fun though, I'm more the quiet boater though, on the river watching the wildlife, and maybe a fishing 🎣 rod in hand, for sure a camera. 

Thinking of this I still have Christopher's camera, I used it when we went to Africa, I'll talk with Ciara about it today. I'm not sure I'll use it again, so maybe she'll want to have it back? I do like a camera, I always had one with me on my walks in the past, but with cell phone's cameras getting so darn good now, and so accessable I don't see the use much more. 

Pollys up now, we are both on our phones now, I snicker, is how life is now, phone is our entertainment, and information now, so much happens through our phone's. Banking, shopping, communication, information, photos, gee most everything happens through our phone's now. I wonder what next, what other forms of information and communication will come next? 

Colder out at night now, Monday I filled up the two propane tanks we had on our trailer, be awhile before they empty, but still hoping to leave here on the 15th of October and head towards Edmonton area. Then Red dear, then Calgary before we push over the boarder in November. Hopefully the weather holds back till then. Always in the back of our mind, as we know weather can make things easier or not so easy. 

A Walk is in order now, sun's coming up, be a real nice day for a walk to start with. 

Polly's mixer for her morning concoction she's been making, pineapple, ginger, lemon, cinnamon and milk. 

Ok off I go now, time to walk. I know it's cold out there, but I'ma going anyway 😁

Loving our life here in Grande Prairie 🤗❤️

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