Sunday 10 September 2023

Looking up at the clock it's 4:50am 😳

                The pen left from Polly signing a card

Sunday morning again, seems like often I wakeup early, especially on Sunday Morning. I am used to the sound of the truck's on the highway now, but still, every once in awhile I hear one that sounds really heavy go by, huge truck's, huge loads here. 

Coffee ☕ not as good as usual this morning, I'm not sure why, I guess I was just up too early LoL. Today is our Anniversary, 29 year's WOW, time can fly when we are having πŸ˜ŠπŸŽ‰

I've heard the saying "So much water under the bridge" funny when I hear that I think of a story a workmate a good friend told me one time as we were planting trees, he said "I ditched some trees this one time, trying to get the amount per day the foreman wanted, I threw a box of trees in the river. Then later as I was talking with the foreman on the bridge down the road, here comes the trees floating down the river! I was sure glad his back was turned!"  

Isn't it funny how a few words bring thoughts to your mind, something that relates, yet not exactly what you're thinking. Well water under the bridge may be a reminder of him and the story, but today I'm thinking of Polly and I and how much life we've been through together. Our start, our marriage, our working, our kids, our grandchildren, our dogs, our travels, our friends, our lives, geezz so much water, yet all the memories are still with us.

Even this blog, had a start, I can remember that, Polly said "I was thinking" always dangerous words when Polly says themπŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ€£ I never know what will come next. "I was thinking we should write a blog when we start our travels" Polly & I came up with the name Brent and Paulette's Excellent RV Adventures (I always loved the movie Ted & Bill's Excellent Adventure) and here we are. 

Many blogs written, Polly used to look over all I wrote, I typed on my laptop to start, now I write on my phone & post sometimes Polly sees it, sometimes not. Today I'll show her for sure. I think the blog was a good idea, gives us a way of sharing our travels, and our lives, with many, not that we're really interesting, just normal, kinda people, and not, hmm πŸ€” I'm thinking now, what are we? When I start out with a what we are not, it kinda bugged me. 

We are people living our lives a little different that the norm! Excellent πŸ‘, happy, loving, enjoying every moment as we travel and visit many people in many places, always learning a little more of life as we go. That's what we are. 

Today we can look back and see our path, oh yeah Google has that all mapped out for us, we are tracked even when we don't know it, goggle watches all of us 😳. (I have a friend that's always aware of this, he watches on FB, but never posts lol, he will see this) I'm not afraid of the powers that be tracking me, us, someday they can track me into my grave, and it won't matter. 

That's only 766 days they have us tracked we've been at this for 7 years already πŸ˜„
365 x 7 = 2555 days and counting! I wonder how many more we have 😊

We are living our life knowing it's our last harah, we started our life's together like it was a party πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆ and here we are still partying, well kinda, we didn't go dancing last night. Saturday night fever was not in the Stars, we talked about it, remembered the fun in our past, we had a wonderful dinner with very good friends, and laughed, met one of their friends who is going through a really tough time in her life. We learned a little more about life again. Live for today.

Today we give each other cards, that's our celebration, usually go out to dinner, but this year we have an invite to dinner next door at Jack & Wendy's son and daughter-in-laws place, I'm sure this will be fun, they have two little children, always fun with kid's πŸ€—♥️ OH, and with adults that have the kid still in them hey Jack! πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸ˜Š

Polly and I are a couple of sops, we cry at movies together, we are both emotional, about many things, stuff others may think kinda silly, but that's us. Polly likes to cry at wedding dress shows, and I am always writing and crying at times, you can message someone, and they never know you shed a tear, for me that's good, I don't want people to see me crying. I've even cried a bit while writing this.

Today I'll give Polly a big hug, a kiss or three, we always like to give 3 kisses at a time,
Funny, I don't know when that started, but it's our way, 3 kisses before we go to sleep, 3 kisses good bye, 3 kisses just because, sometimes 3 kisses isn't enough, so 3 kisses x 3 times is needed. Is a ritual that started, and we like it so we continue. 

A ritual, remember I said how words can bring memories, well when I think of ritual, I remember a time when we brought our grandchildren to the cabin, and we usually went to the beach during their time there, but this time we couldn't, the weather was raining, and windy, so we had to skip the usual beach trip. Our grandson decided to make a little sailboat outta a piece of foam and sticks he found on the float, and as he was sailing it I asked what he was up to. He said "we always make a boat and sail it at the beach, so I thought I'd make one here" hugh, I said why? 

Well he said "It's tradition" I was surprised. Another word moment I'll never forget πŸ€—♥️

Ritual reminds me of tradition! 
Today we have both, it's traditional to celebrate our Anniversary, and the ritual will be different. I'm thinking that we will likely be here, Wendy & Jack's, in Grande Prairie many times over the next few years, visiting them, and our daughter-in-law and our grandchildren, building tradition, and living our ritual time with our family and friends. 

Coffee ☕☕#2 is better, I guess I had early morning mouth LoL. Truck's are pulling out steady now, they all have a place to be, oil and gas production never stops, it's a continuous flow of traffic along with the Oil & Gas. A tradition or a ritual? πŸ˜„ definitely needed!

I sigh now, funny how writing can change as I write, it changes how I feel as I go, today like most will be happy, fun, sunny, warm, interesting, loving, productive, comfortable, and fun! Oh yeah, I said fun already πŸ˜„πŸ˜†
Don't ever forget the fun, I'm thinking that's our motto, "enjoy the fun in our lives" and we are, every moment ❤️ Every Moment ❤️

Loving our life we are πŸ€—♥️

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