Tuesday 31 October 2023

I should have known about Memere's

Here I am watching and waiting for Polly, 10:30 at night, I'm tired and Polly has just moved to another train machine. She loves to gamble, and so did her Mom, I should have known, waiting for Memere was always something we expected when we took her to the casino, so here I am now waiting for Polly. I don't really mind, I just don't see putting money πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ in for me, it just gets ate up in the machine. Polly on the other hand has a way of making some πŸ’Έ. 

So I thought might as well write, she's going up and down in her total, so I'll watch. I've been playing load's of poker, so it's her time now. I hear the sounds of people banging the button, Polly always so lightly touching the button, what was 40, then 50, now exactly $80. Polly with a big smile 😁 comes over and says as she's showing me the ticket amount, "I'm going to cash this in" 😁

On the way home we saw an X in the sky 

We get outta the casino, and walk through the parking lot to the main entrance, then along to the RV park, and home. Polly gets in and right away she's counting, change and then the πŸ’΅ bills. Her concentration is really good right now. I'm happy as she feels better, didn't loose so much as before, so she's happy. 

I'm tired, bed soon, but had time to write, we drank water tonight, so not feeling any effects of booze, that's good. Still I'm tired, so bed now. 

All in all a good week in Laughlin, gambling and seeing the town. We only went out to dinner once, we enjoyed dinner at home. Donations for the casino was not too bad, we can afford a little for our entertainment. Now for our trip tomorrow to Yuma, all going well we'll be there before 3pm, and I our site. Then the setup can take place the next day. 

Polly gives me the 50¢ coin I use for my marker usually, I'll try and hour or so tomorrow before we go, at the breakfast club just might help my luck. Now a little TV, then bed. 

11:11 Good night 😴

Love this life πŸ€—❤️

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