Friday 15 December 2023

Murder most foul, by Bob Dylan.

I started my morning out thinking as I woke, kinda between a dream and awake,  a mix as I woke. Was interesting,  as I woke I was pissed as my wife parked my truck in a hole that made it so my door would only open a small amount for me to get in, and the water rushed in as I opened the door.  This was my ex wife,  Polly would never do this. 

I was pissed, and yelled out why would you do this as she laughed 😅 

I'm happy to say I got over it quickly as I woke 🤣 up. Was a funny start to my day. The clock read 4:23, I passed the 4:20 mark, so my thoughts are good I'm thinking, no grieving.  I make coffee ☕️,  read a little on fb, then I get to a post that has snow falling on a beautiful setting,  with John Lennon singing the Happy Christmas song (war is over). I watched and listened, was real nice.  Then I thought what's the real song video look like?

Onto the Google search, comes up on YouTube, there it is. I listen to a few videos, then somewhere I got the scroll on, and into the abyss of YouTube lol. Then comes up Murder most Foul by Bob Dylan. I plugged in the earbuds now, and listened to this again, I heard it a few times before,  but this time I really listened, as I had before, to the Christmas song by Lennon. 

I watched the image's go by as he sang, I thought what was it all about? this song? What was he trying to pass on throughout the video? After it finished I searched around for what the song was about, and got to an article on the meaning, about the change in our lives we have had happen over the last how many years. 😳 

I know I've gone from watching the news regularly,  to not wanting to view it, as I'm not wanting to insert crap in my life. I don't trust most of what I see there, where before I trusted most I saw, I'm realizing that most we see has an agenda we don't see if we are not looking closely.  

I haven't finished the article that came up when I searched "what is murder most foul about" but the first few lines helps answer my question.  I'll finish in a few minutes.  

Last night after a good leftover dinner,  Polly and I watched a movie she thought would be good, I was not really wanting to, as I kinda thought it would have a predetermined, underlying motivation to it, I said as we started to Polly, "I wonder how long before the anti logging will come out here?" Polly was more optimistic.  The show is in episode's, called "Island of the Sea Wolves". 

I could see what was happening in the way the stories were told about all the cute animals that they named as they went, and how they told of their battles in their lives, and tied the stories together with emotion being the theme asking the viewer to be tied to the tough lives of the animals,  and how important it is that we act sympathetically towards all their lives. How we are all tied together on the earth, and what we do as humans causes irreversible damage to their way of life. 

The film ended with this message;

I believe this is crap, rolled up in the same bunch of BS peddled by environmental groups for years now,  same groups that think our earth is being beat down by humans, and we should be taxed on the amounts of carbon we produce. Although the film has some very nice video of beautiful animals and coastal forest, if you watch and think about what is being thrust on you, subtly, is the guilt of humans operating in our nature. 

If we didn't touch anything here on earth, we would die. 

So my thoughts at the end of the 3 episodes were that its a very fancy way of turning public opinions towards the environmental side of no logging, something I'm against.  I was and have been involved in logging most all my life, my living was and is provided by the earnings created by logging.  I don't apologize for this, I believe that the logging is not only needed, but is good. As for the poor animals, if you look in the renewed forests, planted, and growing healthy, there are many animals that live there too, dragging fish from the ocean, and having young, and surviving just fine. 

The people that made this film series want to stop all old growth logging. Even though there is so much old growth that has been made into park already on the island. What's really being promoted is no logging,  anymore,  anywhere. 

I'm not going to rant, I'm just saying that this underlying motivation for not only this movie series,  but many other forms of persuasion Has me carefully limiting what I watch now.  

Garbage 🗑 in equals Garbage 🗑 out. 

I keep this in mind as I read, watch, and just pay attention to what's being blabbed about.

I drive a diesel truck, I don't believe I'm damaging the environment, or killing the world because of this. 

Happy we are as we travel here in Arizona.

Love ❤️ our life 

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