Thursday 21 December 2023

Thursday today in L.A. rain comes.

Today we see the rains coming again,  yesterday was a rainy day, we stayed in, Polly baked her cinnamon buns early, nothing like fresh cinnamon buns in the morning. Later another just for good measure (I'm thinking of having another now).


We watched the end of a series that Polly started earlier, then played cards in the afternoon was fun, then the $ came out for a game of poker, serious fun now. Dinner was also great, spaghetti & salad thanks to Linda. Now for a little snooze,  then some phone searches.  

A day in L.A. was quiet, and very laid back. I'm feeling like as we are here in this big metropolis we should be doing something,  yet I'm totally happy to be here with our good friends,  and enjoy their company 😊 staying put.

We are going to a hockey game here tonight,  Calgary Flames vs L.A.Kings. I'm sure this will be fun, been awhile since I've gone to a game, and Polly's thinking she's going to have to get some long pants 👖 lol. Polly loves hockey 🏒 👌

What's the day hold? I'm not sure, but I am sure we will enjoy whatever we decide to do. Venice Beach was on the list, but if it rains likely be a no go. Shopping I'm thinking is going to be the fix for today.  Mike's already talking ⛳️ golf today, so be the 4 of us go shopping, Michael, their son is here now, and he needs some clothes.  Polly she's always up for a shopping trip. I tag along, no real wants shopping, but I'll tag along just for fun. 

How fortunate we are to have the city amenities available,  yet no desire to take it all in. Inside knowing we should be going here, going there, yet really content to stay put. Well I have to say the fact that anywhere you go here is extremely busy does give to the stay put desire too. 

I wake early as usual,  10pm to bed = up at 4, only 6 hours sleep needed.  Today was 4:19, a time most all know is an emotional memory for us, as Chris was all about the 4:20 and 4:19 is the warning ⚠️ time for a "Safety Meeting", I've learned alota new jargon the last few year's. 

It's funny, when I looked at my phone as I got up 4:19, it was a comfortable feeling, not sad now. I've accepted this is the reality we all live in now, so the meaning of the time has a good feeling now, not sad. Chris will always be with us in our thoughts, and reminders like 4:19 will always be a good feeling for me. 

Once in awhile a few tears, but not as painful as we had before. Christmas comes and goes soon, it will be different again, but calls home, and visits on the phone are so good now, almost like being there.  

I started looking at our possible routes home to Yuma, will be another travel that is enjoyable for us, kinda relaxed, no pressure to get somewhere in a certain time. Maybe a few stops along the way. 

December 21st already,  like usual time flies when your having fun. Mondays Christmas 🎄,  today's Thursday, wow I think. I get a message from Penny,  she has covid, so Christmas will be alone she's saying. I sure hope not, that's tough, but alone at Christmas is how many are. 

I have never really been alone at Christmas 🎄 😕  Yes, I'm fortunate. Our phones will help us to be connected with each other, but is always nice to have a hug, and share this time with Family & Friends. Some travel home for Christmas,  but many stay south and give a call to connect. That's us this year and the last few years. 

7am now, the day will begin here soon, people will start getting up, then the house will come alive with voices 😀 telling stories about what's next, what happened when, who did what, just the lives of all of us laid out. The daylight is here, I'll open the shutters now,  and just maybe have another cinnamon bun 😋 🤣

Today is a gift 🎁 I'm going to be present. 
As always 🤗❤️

Love our life ❤️ 💕

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