Tuesday 9 May 2023

Life is interesting as you age, and we are 👴👵

Today we went to a luncheon here at Sundance RV Park. Was a good outing, we met a few people and saw a few we knew already. In conversation we all talked about the change in society, how it was when we grew up, and how it is now. All around the table we agreed changes were not for the best. 

So many people now want everything with little or no effort. Stolen goods has never before been so accepted as now. When I was working! When I was young! Years ago! These are how many of the statements started, I made a few of them statements too. 

I wonder if we are just old and crochety? Much I was hearing I had heard from our parents or grandparents before. Yet here we are having our turn at being the older generation. Is it us that see it different, or have things really changed? 

From where I sit yes they have, drastically changed in our country and the USA for Sure. How can we continue to give in to this give me what I want, and give it to me now, for nothing society. That's how I see what's happening, no responseablity for action's. Lie, cheat, steal, all acceptable in our society. Leaving your stuff unguarded is now your fault, and if I get hurt on your property as I'm stealing some of your stuff, your going to get sued. 

Can't hurt a person for breaking into your home, or you are going to be charged. Can you imagine this, someone breaking in and rummaging in your stuff, and then what, just watch them and let em go, or hide in the closet till they finish? What's the new protocol for the victims of theft? Go to the police after, call the police during? What will happen? 

The conversation was good, but some didn't participate, I'm thinking no use complaining, nothing we can do about it! 

I have never had anyone break into my home. I'm not sure exactly what I'd do, but likely get right in there face, and tell them get the hell outta my home. But what if they refuse, or worse yet come at me? Here in the states, people are prepared to shoot, or club, or do whatever it takes to protect there home and goods. In Canada I believe we are too, but our laws are getting so weak that if we in Canada take to a person that's breaking in, we can and many have been charged for over stepping the laws and taking criminals to task and giving what many would say "what they deserve". 

Not the law, or the lawyer's, they always get on the criminal's side, and win many of the case's as they understand the law, because it's written by lawyers, for lawyer's, not for the people it was supposed to protect. Most people have a good understanding of what is right and what is wrong, but give the evidence to a lawyer and what do you get? Haha, well you don't get criminal's in jail, or justice, you get law's that are made by lawyers, and courts, that are operated by judges, that are also lawyer's. 

All this group are acting as standup citizen's, they are who protect our Rights! At least that's how we think, but in reality they twist the law with words when their criminal clients need it, for $$$$$, as that's what is needed for themselves to get ahead in this world, $$$ dollar's for justice for people that can pay, and injustice for those that can't. How the people got the $$$ is irrelevant, just give me the money, and I do for you, and you walk! 

I went on a rant just now, and I have much more I could rant about, but what's the use? What will change? 

What would you do if someone was breaking into your home? Would you then be the criminal? Let's hope we never find out. 

Rant finished here in Canada 😆

Here at Arrowvale campground not likely to have any criminal activity, as here the rooster 🐓 takes charge! 

Home again feels so good 🤗♥️

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