Thursday 11 May 2023

Time flies by, no holding it back.

    The brown looking leaves are new growth, they were just buds last week.

Looking outside this morning as I messaged a few friends and family I realized how every day change happens, regardless what we do the world moves. I was thinking of saying "the world moves ahead "but it isn't like a direction, it's just what is, what will happen whether we participate or not. If I decide to sit here today and do nothing, the rest of the world still does as it does, tree's grow, world turns, and all that lives acts as we do. 

Some of the actions are detrimental to life, most moves life forward I believe. When I woke this morning I had not set the furnace to come on during the night, was very cold and I didn't prepare with an extra cover, so chilled through when I woke. I got up, set the thermostat, and came back to bed with extra coat covering me. Polly woke, came over with her so warm internal heater, we smuggled. Was a nice way to wake today. 

Up I get when I'm all warmed up, Polly goes back to sleep 😴 I put coffee ☕ on, coffee is not as good today, I bought some honey at a market in Yuma before we left, was nice a clear looking in a I quart jar. Tastes terrible, going to have to chuck it out. I know better now, buy from the honey guy, not at the market again. 

I will finish the shed install today, been a learning curve for me, just more movement than I had been doing, so stiff and sore, but I'm going to finish, and get on with the fun stuff, building today. Polly already has her order in, 2 flower boxes, I ask what size, what kind? Just a nice size 🤣, what shape, oh any shape 🤣 gee I get to decide. I get YouTube videos of different kinds of planter boxes, I'll figure something out. 

I have a group of Family & Friends I message daily, this helps me keep contact with them, as life changes daily. I used to have this few words with my son in the morning, he often got up just after me, just a short message, say how's it going, keep in contact. I find this helps knowing what others are up to, and gives me message hug's, as I feel this is the best we can do when we are away from our friends and family.  

Video chat is ok, but not always available, (we are all so busy) so just a short note gives a little hug as we go. We are back on the island now, but can't just visit with everyone right away, so the notes/hug's continue as we make our way to being setup here at Arrowvale. 

I hear the neighbor Rachel taking off, work I'm thinking, seems kinda early for her, maybe just getting something from the store. 7:30 and sun's up full, time I get going too. Be a nice warm day again, life's as you make it, wether you participate or not, up to you! I'm going to continue to participate, as I can't sit and just watch life go by, bye, buy! LoL 

Love this life 🤗❤️

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