Friday 9 June 2023

Hoarding in the face of a possible shortage.

    Smoke from the fire by Cameron lake

I hear it's happening now, we will see ourselves when we do go to the store to get a few things. Human behavior is always a surprise to me, yet I do know from experience what might happen, just always surprised when it does. 

Gas stations out, groceries out, hoarding is natural for many in times of disaster, but this? Yes I'm surprised, will see ourselves sometime. We have been home not in the fray till yesterday. We went to town, got a few things from Beaver Creek home ctr. Was a surprise to visit quickly with a few people before we got past the till, Neil, then Ron, then Carlo, WOW was kind of a shocker, I don't forget how it is in our small town, but that was such a good feeling to see people we know all at once. 

I asked a friend to visit the other day, and he took Polly and I out to breakfast, was a very good visit we had. He mentioned something that I hadn't thought of before, he said we don't do this kind of visiting much anymore as people, as we learn all we do about people on FB. We talked about this a bit, and went on to other conversation, but that stuck with me. 

I understand we see much on FB about others lives, some more than others, but it's not all there, there is much that you just can't get from words and pictures on the internet. The face to face talk and visit, a hug, a how are you in person will always be more rewarding, just our lives seem to be going away from this as we stay home and read about each other's lives rather than experience them. 

We had a trip planned this weekend, we were really looking forward to going to visit with our friends in Courtenay, have a big ole BBQ potluck dinner, be silly and laugh alot. The fire that's closed the road out of Port Alberni changed this, we decided to cancel, even though we could go, as there is an alternate route, but looking at the road out, we decided best to stay put. We will eventually catch up with our friends, just at a later date, just never know when. 

We had a friend pop by last night, Bev came knocking at the door just after we had dinner, was really nice to see her, one of the first people Bev and Don, I saw when returning to the valley. We had a real good visit, she had many questions and much info we exchanged, so much has happened since we got together in person. We got many invites, this is happening, and this, we will go visit this weekend as she will be camping close, be nice to visit with other's as we stay put. 

I'm thinking about what our friend said about how we don't see each other in person as much anymore, will keep seeing people in person more as we continue. I do like this better. It's always good to give a friend a hug, and say "Hi, How you doin?" In person. 

Will look forward to this weekend, even if we can't be with our friends in Courtenay, how does the song go? "If you can't be with the ones u love, Love the ones you can be with?" LoL, that's not it, but that's what we'll do this weekend, we wanted to go visit this group of friends sometime too, so now we do. 

Funny how things work out, before Bev came knocking at the door we had cancelled plans, when she left we had more invites that we may be able to attend. 

Our life is like that, just darn near perfect 🤗♥️

Loving our Life ♥️