Friday 16 June 2023

Sometimes you forget how short life is.

Today I talked with many people, friends I hadn't seen for years, and some I had visited with over the last month. It's funny to me just how great it is to be in our home town, where everywhere we go we meet friends we haven't seen for years. 

Our home town Port Alberni has gone through much change over the last few years, actually it started in the 80's. I worked in a logging camp that employed 500 men at the time, I remember slips being handed out to the guys at the marshaling yard that said the company was giving them notice that in 6 months they could, or would be laid off permanently. (I didn't get a slip) The guys, most very young, threw the slips around, saying "yeah Right" and laughing about the thought that this was true. 

6 months later every Guy that got a slip was gone. Our division of McMillan Bloedel, Sproat lake, was going through change, as the whole country was, and if you look back the whole western world was going through that change, from our communities producing, to sending our production off shore to where there are less environmental rules, and cheeper wages. 

Our lives were about to change drastically, from what we had grown to believe was how we lived to how it is now. Just think back to the days we would roll up to the grocery store, Woodwards, and shop for our groceries, then as we bellied up to the counter downstairs had a coffee ☕, and likely dinner on a Friday night. Or maybe a trip to the Beaufort down the street for a beer, much of that was served all over town, as there were many bars, and many worker's, all making decent wages at the time. Then go outside get in our car, drive to the back of the foodfloor, where a guy would load all those paper bags full into your car. 

I just caught the end of that era, starting work at Sproat in May of1974, not long after I bought a new to me car, then the fallers went on strike! I remember that well, I had just started, I didn't understand this was just one of many I would be a part of, my education was about to begin. Looking back I did my best to make a buck, raise a family, and "Get ahead" as we were all educated was the goal. Easy to look back and say I should have, could have done this or that. 

I fairly happy with my choices, life has been good so far, even with all the struggles, that's what helps make us the person we are. I remember myself saying that "I'll know in 10 years if I made the right decisions" and that's about right, hard to tell right away if was good decision. Time tests us all as we travel through it, not knowing what comes next in life. 

From the days of working getting paid on a check, then going to Woodward's to cash it, the off we'd go to spend it, first pay some bills, then let's see what fun we could have. Now all our cheques are deposited in our account automatically, and our bills are paid automatically too. We really don't have to have cash much, but always have a few $$ just in case. 

Polly and I decided to head in a different direction once we got to retirement, sell it all, or give away what we could to family and friends. Then travel our last days as long as we could. So far this has worked out just great, we wouldn't have any other way! 

I do think back every once in awhile, as I was this morning reading about my niece and all the trials and tribulations she's gone through over the last couple years relocating to another town, in the country, making her way, learning so much as she goes. Reminded me of my beginning's having to learn so much to be able to make my way in life. 

I'm a stubborn person, I often disregard advice that I could benefit from. I'm not sure why, but I have learned sometimes it pays to go to YouTube for a little look before I tackle something I'm not sure of now. I realized that most we go to do has already been done, and surprisingly somebody has videoed it and put it on YouTube. Even here, after seeing what other's have experienced, I still have my own idea how to do the job, and forget or likely disregard the advice I learned. I do get the job done, and the video's do help. 

As for looking back, I do once in awhile, but mostly I like to look forward. Forward to a birthday party, a meeting of family and friends, a trip we have planned, a visit with friends, this is the most important to me as I age now, not the gathering of piece's of the world that really don't matter in life when you take a good long look at it. 

I go to the beach now promising myself I'm not taking anything home! LoL, I almost always pick something up, but lately I've been putting it down before I leave the beach. I still take many photos, but lately as I've added them to my FB, I delete most now. 

That started with Google telling me I had to pay for more storage, as they have saved and backed up as much as they allowed for free, now I'm supposed to pay! Not frickin likely I say, take your google account and stuff it! So now I have a different email, they can have theirs, and I delete a few more photos. 

So far FB hasn't told me they will be charging, but if they ever do, I'll tell them to stuff it too. Even this blog I can do without if they want a buck for my thoughts here. 

I wonder 🤔, how long will this information be stored? Maybe there will be something of me left when I'm gone? LoL 😆

Mostly I'm thinking memories of times we all spent together will be left, not the things we aquired as we made our way through this life. 

That's my Friday morning ramblings as I woke early today. It's my Daughter Penny's birthday today, Polly's making a cake for her, and a few people be over, be a nice evening I'm sure. Another good memory deposited, a few photos, and possibly a FB post. 

Life has changed, and will continue to change regardless of our actions or inaction. The trick is to see what you like and work towards it. Get more of the talks with friends, and family, spend more time with them than with the TV, or phone, or whatever. Those times you'll remember.

Messages are ok, they help keep in touch, but face to face being with people is where it's really at for me. Random meeting's are so fun, someone you haven't seen for awhile, thats always interesting. 

I think I'm finished now, was an interesting morning so far, Polly is up now, she's beside me saying hmm, and hmm, working on the word game she plays. We each have what interests us, everyone different. Sure is a great Life 👍 love our Life ♥️🤗


  1. Thanks for sharing ..I love reading your ramblings :-) Happy Birthday Penny <3 Have a fun time all of you :-) cake ..ymmm :-)

  2. Thanks for this Sharon hug's 🤗
