Thursday 20 July 2023

4:24 and the rooster 🐓 crows

I woke early today, I thought I finally had got my sleep in order after a few nights of waking later in the morning, but today was a setback. I started yawning last night at 8:00pm, I knew I had been really busy during the day, but I thought going to bed a little early at 9:15 was going to be ok, not likely. I laugh to myself now, I need to either stay up later, or take the malintonin pills to push me to wake later, and get my sleep schedule on track. 

Although I do like my alone early morning time, just not so early, as I get to look at what's happening in the world, even if I just brush over most of it. Today investigation was oil production in California, I was caught by a feed I get on my phone, said something about the states GDP in trillions by State, was interesting seeing how a few states didn't even have a number, as the didn't make it to the trillions. I'm still shaking my head thinking of the $$$, just so much. California was the biggest amount in USA. 

From this I got to oil production, as I was thinking of how California as a state is against oil use, although it uses so much fuel. I went down a rabbit hole as the term means, from there I ended up at Russia, and it's oil sales, and how Russia is being bent over by China as so many business have pulled out of the country, I was just wondering before I started this, what it's like in Russia right now? How is it living in a country that's considered doing the wrong thing by invading another country? 

I didn't search that, Yet! LoL 

I'm on my first cup of coffee ☕, and just finished my last gulp of that so up to get more soon. 4:39 now, and the rooster went back to bed, I'm not going to, soon the light will come, and I'll take a walk about. 

I looked at the weather forecast, going to be raining on Monday Tuesday, so I'm going to start my takedown of my tent/shop today, I know it won't take too long, but I want to get it done early, before the rains com, and I'm trying to tarp it in the rain. There goes the rooster 🐓 again LoL, I got another coffee ☕ now, I just remembered to shut off the coffee pot so Polly has decent coffee, as if I leave it on by the time she's up it'd be yuk! 

Back to packing up, I have this on my mind the last few days as I work away, knowing I'll have to soon, but I have been making excuses not to, but now I know I have to. We will be packed up, and hooked up for departure early on July 26th, as we have an appointment for service that morning at Arbutus RV, wheel bearing repacking, and brake check. We will do our last visits in Port then, pickup the trailer later in the day, all going good, then get in the lineup for outta town traffic. 

Dr appointments for both of us, annual inspection LoL, and all going well there, we will be headed to a friend's over night, then to another for a few nights before we head to Sunfest by Youbou on the long weekend. This has been in the work's since they first released the headliner, Blake Shelton. We both like him, and have been looking forward to this weekend with friends Americo & Claudette, along with one night when Cindy, Ray & Barb will join us. Going to be interesting and fun weekend we are sure. 

After that a couple weeks by the water in Qualicum Bay, before we head up towards Grande Prairie. I'm looking forward to travel, even if it's so darn comfortable here right now, always nice to have travel ahead of us. 

I messaged a friend yesterday, been awhile since we walked, I been busy with Ciara and our grandchildren, was a very nice visit we had here, so much fun. Now for a little walking again, I had just joined the group that walks regularly, and want to get a few more of these in before we travel. Chris has been a friend along time, we got closer when we attended a union safety conference one time, and were treated to a presentation on Toastmasters. After the presentation we agreed if one joined the other would, and we did, that gave us both an education we needed in our lives, and our work. 

Since then we have stayed in contact on and off, meeting up camping and walking/hiking now and then. Good friends are needed in life, we all know it, just really don't know how good a friend they are until you really need them. I walked alot here, not big hikes, but nice get me warmed up kinda walks in the morning, but when I asked about going for a walk with Chris, I didn't expect hikes, or new friends, but I got both. 

Visiting and yakin is nice, but I do like to be busy as I talk too, and walking/hiking is a great way to visit. Another friend has started walking with his daughter 3 times a week, he's finding the same, it helps, not just getting in shape, but the talk as you go helps you with thinking, at least that's what I have observed. When I walk by myself I only have my thoughts, which I like just fine, but when walking with others there is an expanded thought process that gives me something different when I'm walking. Just feels nice, so I'll continue this, and expand on it as we continue our travels this time. 

It's light now, roosters still at it, 5:15, I'll finish reading a bit more, walk about 6:30 or so my regular route here, then after some cereal 🥣 maybe a snooze LoL, I can't go into my shop too early, everyone's still sleeping 😴. 
I'm just to early up to do too much, so I read, about the crazy world we live in. I read yesterday that Pescadores restaurant had their flower baskets stolen over night, that set me back a bit, what the heck is that about. Some people have just no respect for other's property. 

I ask a few questions in my head about it, like "Where are you going to hang these? Why would you do this? What kinda people steal flower baskets?" Then I just go on, thinking how this is a shame, someone decorated the outside of there business, right on the corner of town, make it look nicer, and some asshole steals there Flowers! 

Now I've complained here, but that doesn't change what happened, what will change this behavior? Another question ❓ I donn't know, there are many things I don't know, sometimes ya just gotta move on. 

Coffee ☕ is still good, sun be up soon, Polly did a little roll about, but she's a much better sleeper than I. Yep I'm going on an early walk this morning, I see the deer most every day now, they are not afraid of me walking now, they watch, but don't run away, I can pass by within 20 feet or 7 meters in Canada, I still think in feet. The eagles scream to as I walk, is a really nice place to walkabout. Even just to the end of the pavement and back, 1/2 hour or so. 

Life is good here at Arrowvale, makes it hard to leave this year, this time, but we will, and we will be back before we know it it'll be spring again, and we'll pull our trailer onto the island again and be home. Home here is where we meet friends when we shop for groceries, and have a yak, catch-up, learn how others have had health issues, things have happened to other's that when you find out it's very hard to believe, lung transplants on men younger than I, Cancer treatment, and people that have passed.

 Is nice to see people, but I do realize we have a limited time we are here, so knowing this I make sure I do what really moves me in life now, even if it seems trivial to other's, I do what really interests me now. Polly the same, she knows what she likes and if she wants it she does it. Together we do what tickles our fancy, and this summer we will travel a little, and see friends on our way, and reestablish past friendships. Then spend time with friends and family in Grande Prairie, I have a job or two there to do, always some building of something, I like this, so I do it. 😁

Well that's enough rambling thoughts for today, I'm going to finish my cold coffee, put on my runners and hoodie, and go for my walk about now. 

I love this Life 🤗❤️

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