Sunday 23 July 2023

4:27 rooster πŸ“ crows this morning πŸ˜ƒ

Polly stirs as the Rooster crows, but I'm sure she'll stay asleep, Polly's a very good sleeper, me not so much. I sleep hard, but wake early. I do like early morning so waking early just is something I'm getting used to. I remember when on graveyard shift, sleep was something everyone talked about. I will never miss that unhealthy shift, never was I so mixed up in my sleep as on graveyard shift. 

Now I can sleep as much as I want, and I can't LoL, ain't it the way! 

Today I gain another year, not like I need it, but it's unavoidable. I rise early even though I took a malintonin pill last night, didn't work. Polly has been baking cupcakes 🧁 and will bake a cake today, also bacon πŸ₯“ πŸ₯“ & eggs 🍳 for breakfast this morning I'm told last night 😊, I'm being spoiled, and I do like it. 

Funny what we celebrate, Birthday's, Christmas, well that's a Birthday, New years, πŸŽ‰ Anniversarys, milestones they all are, they just happen with the passing of year's, not like achievement, although maybe I'm thinking wrong, it can be a real achievement to live long, many don't get this gift! 

I went to a Celebration of Life yesterday, as well as a 50th Wedding Anniversary, the man who passed I knew when he was a young boy, Carmen was 52 it was sudden for for his family & me, I hadn't seen him for a long time, he moved away from town, and so had I. I knew a few at the celebration, sat with family and talked, was enjoyable, but also solemn as how we are as someone passes, even if we call it a celebration of life. 

At the 50th Anniversary it was a celebration πŸŽ‰ there was a reinactment of the wedding vows, and some really good words spoken in the yard of their daughter and son in law, made for a fun time. I have to say it was a shock to me thinking I have friends that I hung out with when I was young that are now having their 50th anniversary, that really made me think. Up until now, it was always the generation before ours that had the 50th anniversary, how did this happen so fast! Seems like I snapped my fingers 🀞 and here we are! 

And here I am getting older today! Also just like that 🀞snap, 67 here I am. πŸ“ Rooster still giving-er, we all are and do as we have been programed to some degree, we all have a way we act in a situation, the rooster Crows as he has to, we on the other hand do have the ability to alter our actions, if we choose, but some of what we do is s programed, built in.

I look back on my day yesterday and think, some thing's I just jump to, and others I hold back. At Bob & Cheryl's Anniversary celebration I saw Denise clanging on her can trying to get the Bride & Groom to kiss, like we used to at wedding's. I watched for a bit, and started looking around for a glass to klink on, I couldn't see one anywhere, all plastic forks and knives, and cups. Ahh but I did spy a wine glass on the head table, boom! I jumped up, with my plastic fork grabbed the glass and started bing, bing, bing! Bob & Cheryl had to kiss, even with their hands full of dinner, it was tradition πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒ we all clapped and laughed was nice. 

I'm not sure why we or I do that, spring into action sometimes, yet hang back others, but I know it, and see it all the time, I do it often. I do see some people that spring into action more often than others, they are the mover's and shaker's in life, I don't know that they are better, or more desirable in life, they just have that jump! It's not always thought about, it's just them, the are programed to do! When this happens they do this, that's them. I believe we all have this in us, and at the same time we have choice, act or not, this way or that, up to us. 

Later in the evening as I was up to say goodbye to Bob and Cheryl at the head table, I was told the story about the glasses on the table as Gary came by with a glass. Cheryl said "we keep this glass for Karen", Gary's wife who passed away to early, years ago, "it was always her glass", Cheryl said, "we bring it in her honour then she's here too". Then Cheryl points to the wine glass, and says "this one's for Bunny, Bob's sister". Well that got me 😒, I now had something else to think about.

My bladder is close to my eyes this morning, I'm not sure why, but I'm hard on the Kleenex today. Somedays are just like that, I've learned to accept this. I've learned to say inside my head, "your just a frickin sop!" LoL, as I laugh about it. 

I still haven't packed up, and it weighs on me, but this morning, and later today I'll get things moving. It's always hard to move things here when it's time to go, the time here just went snap, so fast, beginning of May to now end of July, WOW that went fast. Time goes by so fast when you're busy, and we have been, and we will continue to be, it's our life, busy and moving all the time. I like it. 

I love this Life, we both do πŸ€—❤️ 

Wednesday we leave Port Alberni πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ happy and sad at the same time, can't really be in two places at one time.

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