Thursday 13 July 2023

Housing? Just thought how did we get here from there?

      Our first of many Sunflowers has bloomed

I feel very fortunate to be able to do as we have, travel the country with our trailer, look about from inside our pickup, and through the windows of our trailer at much of our country and the USA, some of Mexico as well. This morning as I was scrolling through FB drinking my fresh brewed coffee ☕, it struck me. oops I'm outta coffee, got to get another ☕. As I poured another, I realized I had to pee, so off I went to the bathroom, a few steps away, as I flushed the toilet I realized I have to empty the sewer tank! Better do that now while I think of it again, as I often forget if I don't do it right away πŸ˜†

Coffee ☕ in hand I go out now, phone in hand to take care of this, I pet Penny on the way out, she spent the night here, as her family are outta town for a bit, she's a wonderful dog, and of course we give her a pet, and a few treats, we miss having a dog. 
Off to the job at hand now, is very simple, but has to be done regularly, or 😳 trouble will happen. Don't want to back up the sewer. 

i notice I've got a dog hair on the edge of my coffee, I smile 😊 going to get hair on ya if ya have a dogπŸ€—♥️

I'm now typing and emptying the sewer, LoL I snicker, the Rooster's πŸ“ going off again, Polly I hear is just waking, the robins are singing as I write. Claudette sends me a message, dam I love this life. Sun's up shining on me, sewer is finished now, is a very easy job when in one site as setup for easy access to all needed without touching anything that could contaminate my Mmm coffee ☕☺️

I finish up, and pass Penny as I go back in the trailer, she doesn't move, she can't hear good now, she's on her way out, I was kinda concerned she might have passed when I saw her this morning laying on the matt on our patio. After I passed by she lifted her head, then back to laying and sleeping. 

I wash my hands now, just in case πŸ‘

Polly's up now, we have some conversation, good morning, how's the coffee? I tell her Claudette sent her a message, she's happy to be able to flush the toilet now LoL. Polly gets the roast out of the fridge and checked it, she's had it marinating overnight, will be cooking it in her new air fryer oven on the rotisserie today, Ciara and our grandchildren are coming back for a couple days to get her trailer and pack up her stuff she's had in storage for awhile here in Port Alberni. Then Saturday she leaves, Sunday catches the ferry and we won't see them till end of August. Penny our daughter is coming over today too, be a nice dinner, good day. 

Polly plays a game on her phone, she makes me laugh so hard sometimes, when what ever she's playing misses, she jumps, and gets mad for just a sec, "dam game" she says as I LoL LoL LoL πŸ˜†

Ok, back to the house thought, I was thinking about how did we get to this unreal but very real price of house's and rent that just skyrocketed almost overnight here on the island? What's happening here, what's causing people to gouge the rental market? Forcing people out under the pretence of family moving in or saying have to do construction, then re-rent for more than double the original price. How did it happen, and how did it happen so fast? Or maybe I'm just old and remember the little town of Port Alberni when it was loosing mills, and logging was under protest, and nothing was selling, and price was low. 

I'm not in the know about this, but I do know from experience that what happens with markets isn't going to stay the same forever. How we got here could be reversed just as easy, by something else. Somehow everyone want's to be here in Canada, and on Vancouver island, they will pay whatever the market prices are, driving prices up to where the local people can't afford to buy, or rent here. 

Some would say right away "It's not fair" maybe not, but it is what it is. We made the move outta the housing market in 2016, and so far no regrets! Moving forward we see campground prices doing the same, doubling in a very short time now. Was it COVID? Is it people trying to get back what they lost? Is it just the future? I'm not sure, but I do know on a limited budget people are finding it harder to get by on what they have available for $$ with everything rising at what seems like a fast rate. 

So far we can afford it, but if this keeps happening we may also be in trouble too, as our income is pensions, and they do not rise as fast as the cost of living. When we retired we planned to live as we have till something changed, we still do, but I'm just seeing things changing faster than the plan had in mind! 

See how it goes, being mobile we can chase the better price where ever it is, just always want to be safe, and comfortable with friends, of course by the water if we can be, but if not by a pool with friends will do πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜†♥️

I didn't solve anything here, but I got the sewer emptied, and enjoyed writing, got a few thoughts out, and really listened to the robins this morning πŸ€— lucky me.

Cereal now, a walk, and a shower, then onto my next project πŸ˜€ love this lifeπŸ€—♥️

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